Having hot water available in your home is a wonderful thing, and many times you might not think much about how it is heated up. But have you ever experienced one of these things?
When someone turns on hot water somewhere else in the home, your water cools down.
When you turn on the hot water, you have to wait for quite a while until it actually gets hot.
When many people take showers in short succession, you run out of hot water.
All these things are shortcomings of traditional, tank-based water heaters. So what is the alternative? You could install a tankless water heater. A tankless water heater could be installed right at the fixture and will instantly heat up the water in the pipe when you turn on the hot water. While these devices have a significant cost to install, they will also save you money. How is that? Unlike a water heater with a tank, they don’t have to constantly heat up water, even when it isn’t being used.